What The Flop ,09 April 2018
Satirical comedy program hosted by famous Nepali Sitcom Stand-up comedian Sandip Chettri who tickles your bone with his hilarious reports on a week’s noticeable event on any topics be it…
News & Entertainment Portal
Satirical comedy program hosted by famous Nepali Sitcom Stand-up comedian Sandip Chettri who tickles your bone with his hilarious reports on a week’s noticeable event on any topics be it…
चुनावको समयमा घरदैलो कार्यक्रम
a satirical comedy show with Sandeep Chhetri. In today’s episode, there is a well known lok dohori singer Prem Raja Mahat with Mithai Lal Jadav.
a Nepali satirical comedy show. तराईका नेताहरु के गर्दै हुनुहुन्छ आजकाल?
किन आखिर विदेशमा बस्ने नेपाली नेपाल आउन डँराउछन् ?
जथाभावी बाटो काट्दा तीन घण्टा प्रहरी नियन्त्रणमा राखिनेछ? [नाटकीय प्रस्तुति] Sandeep Chhetri